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      AD9361 phase synchronization platform

      AD9361 phase synchronization platform

            Hejiaxing AD9361 phase synchronous RF acquisition platform is an SDR platform based on 4 AD9361, which can realize 8-channel RF signal acquisition. The board has a phase calibration network and an optional external local oscillator source, which is very suitable for matrix receiving system Applications.

            The four AD9361s on the board are responsible for the acquisition of RF signals. The FPGA is responsible for the control of the AD9361 and the interaction of the collected data. FLASH is used for on-board information storage, DDR3 is used for sampling data storage, and Gigabit Ethernet interfaces are used for high-speed transmission of sampling data.

      Product Details


         parameter name  index
        Working frequency  300MHz~3000MHz
        Factory default configuration frequency band  900MHz
        Passband bandwidth  40MHz
       Receive link gain adjustment range  65dB
        Octal phase jitter  ±3°(After software calibration)
        FPGA  Xilinx ZYNQ

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